The Occult and The New Age granatiApril 27, 2015Audio Studies, Cults and the Occult **Study Notes** (right-click, Save Link/Target As to download)
The Cults: Jehovah’s Witnesses granatiApril 20, 2015Audio Studies, Cults and the Occult **Study Notes** (right-click, Save Link/Target As to download)
The Cults: Mormonism granatiApril 13, 2015Audio Studies, Cults and the Occult **Study Notes** (right-click, Save Link/Target As to download)cf. Gal 1:6-8, 2Co 11:4
The Gospel kristinApril 6, 2015Audio Studies, Cults and the Occult **Study Notes** (right-click, Save Link/Target As to download)