Announcments 5.12.17 – 5.18.17


Sunday School Help
We are still in need of willing servants to help with Sunday School for 3-10 year olds at 9:00am or 11:00am service. If this is something you might be interested in, please fill out this form and drop it in the wooden box at the Info Center. The Sunday School Coordinator will be in touch to answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

Quilting & Handcraft Group

The Quilting and Handcraft Group will meet in the Youth Room on Saturday, May 20 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Join us as we sew, quilt, knit, crochet and do a variety of other handcrafts. Everyone is welcome. Please visit the Info Center if you have any questions.

Friday, May 12

7:00pm – Friday Bible study

Nursery – 3-year olds – Building A
4-years old – 6th Grade – Bridge Gap Theater (Building B)
High School Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Rock Church

Sunday, May 14

9:00am & 11:00am – Worship Service

Nursery & Toddlers – Building A
4 year olds – 6th grade – Building C

Monday, May 15

7:00pm – Monday Night bible study — Sanctuary
No child care provided



Campus Map

Clothing and Stuff Exchange


SATURDAY, MAY 6 TH, 11 AM – 3:30 PM



Drop off items at church up until 12 pm Saturday May 6th.


It starts with LOVE…

The mission for this event is to help those lacking in certain things and those that have something to give can offer what they have. If you need something and it is available, please take and be blessed.

“If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share it with those who are hungry.” Luke 3:11
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Heb 13:16

For the abundance of one helps the lack of another ~“Debbie G”

Easter Sunrise Service



Sunrise Service will take place at the Greyhound Park and Event Center on Sunday, April 16 at 6:30am.

Join us as we gather together with Calvary Chapel South Spokane, Calvary Rathdrum, Calvary Christian Fellowship and Calvary Chapel Coeur d’Alene as we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection.

Everyone is welcome so begin inviting your family and friends.

Sign-up sheets are at the Info Center for those wishing to help with set-up on Saturday April 15, as well as serving as ushers and food servants on Sunday morning.

Please call the church office if you have any questions.

Tuesday Morning Prayer & Communion


P&C2017 Logo

All are welcome at the Rock Chapel for open prayer and communion from 6:30-7:30a.m. on Tuesday mornings. There will be communion available. This open time of prayer means you can come and go as you wish. Please take advantage of this opportunity and come pray! (Childcare is NOT provided)

Thanksgiving Dinner


Sunday, November 20 at 5:00pm at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds
he church will provide the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy; we are in need of willing servants to prepare these food items, as well as helpers for set up, serving and clean up. If you would like to help, please visit the Info Center. If you are able to, please bring a holiday dish to share.

Harvest Celebration



Baptism, great fellowship, a delicious meal, games and fun for all ages.

If you’d like to pitch in, please stop by the Info Center and sign up to bring your favorite soup, chili, or pie and/or dessert.

You may also sign up if you would like to be baptized.

Our celebration begins with the baptism in the Sanctuary at noon.

4th of July Baptism and Picnic


Monday, July 4 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Join us for our 4th of July baptism and picnic. The church will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, please bring something yummy to share if you can. The baptism begins at 1:00pm.

Sign-up sheets are at the Info Center for those who would like to be baptized, as well as those who would be willing to help with set-up, with food and with clean-up.

Kid’s Camp Outreach


We need you to get involved in our Kids Camp Outreach!

Pray – God would bring kids and prepare their hearts.
Invite – We need your help getting invitations into the hands of kids ages 8-11 from families with financial need.
Volunteer – If you would like to help at the actual week of camp, pick up a volunteer application at the info booth.

To register for Camp go here:

Thanksgiving Dinner 2015


Join us for our Thanksgiving Dinner at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds, November 22th @ 5:00pm. This year our dinner will take place in the Jacklin Events Building which can be accessed off of Kathleen Avenue through Gate C; maps are available at the Info Center.

Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and gravy are provided, feel free to bring a side dish or dessert. If you would like to help with setup, serving, or cleanup; signups are in the lobby.

Map to Kootenai County Fairgrounds:

View Larger Map

Seasoned Salt Fellowship


The 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, from 9:30am – 11:00am in the Sanctuary.

For those who are retired and would like to fellowship, encouragement, compassion, outreach, service and ministry.

Announcments 10.2.15 – 10.8.15


Global Missions Action Network
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00pm — Rock Church
Ramona Mobbs will be sharing about her recent trip with a medical missions team to rural villages in Uganda. She is planning to provide a sampling of some Ugandan dishes for everyone to enjoy. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Clothing & Stuff Exchange
Saturday, October 10, 11:00am to 4:00pm in the Fellowship Hall
Donate your gently used clothing and household items and take what you need. You may drop off your donations at the Welcome Center before and after Bible Study as well as during the week.

Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 31, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
We are collecting donations of wrapped candy that will be given away as prizes in the game booths. If you can donate a bag or two of candy, please drop it off in the Candy Donation bin located in the church lobby or in the office.

We are also in need of willing volunteers to help with set-up, with the food and games and to help with putting everything away. If you would like to help, please visit the Info Center where you can find sign-ups sheets, thank you.


Friday, October 2

7:00pm – Friday Bible study

Nursery – 3-year olds – Building A
4-years old – 6th Grade – Bridge Gap Theater (Building B)
Jr. High Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Youth Room (Building C)
High School Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Rock Church

Sunday, October 4

9:00am & 11:00am – Worship Service

Nursery & Toddlers – Building A
4 year olds – 6th grade – Building C

Monday, October 5

7:00pm – Monday Night bible study — Sanctuary
No child care provided

Tuesday, October 6

7:00pm – Global Missions Action Network — Rock Church


Announcments 6.19.15 – 6.25.15


Blood Drive
Saturday, June 20 from 9:00 to 1:00pm. Sign up sheets are at the information booth.

Baby Bottle Boomerang
Baby Bottle Boomerang takes place now and ends on Father’s Day, June 21. Families and individuals take a baby bottle home and fill them with change, bills or checks, and return them to the Welcome Center; all monies go to the Open Arms Pregnancy Care Center and Real Choices Clinic in Coeur d’Alene. Bottles are located at the Welcome Center.

Summer Sunday School Help
Please see Jan in the Children’s Ministry Office, Building B, or call the church office.

July 4th Baptism and Picnic
Hot Dogs! Hamburgers! Baptism! Saturday, July 4th. Set-up begins at 10:00am and baptism begins at 1:00pm. Sign up to be baptized or to help with setup at the Welcome Center.

Friday, June 19

7:00pm – Friday Bible study

Nursery – 3-year olds – Building A
4-years old – 6th Grade – Bridge Gap Theater (Building B)
Jr. High Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Youth Room (Building C)
High School Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Rock Church

Saturday, June 20

9:00am – 1:00pm — Blood Drive — Fellowship Hall
9:00am – 1:00pm — Quilting & Crafting Group — Youth Room (Building B)

Sunday, June 21

9:00am & 11:00am – Worship Service

Nursery & Toddlers – Building A
4 year olds – 6th grade – Building C

Baby Bottle Boomerang Bottles are due back!

Monday, June 22

7:00pm – Monday Night bible study — Sanctuary
No child care provided

Campus Map

Announcments 5.22.15 – 5.28.15


Kids Camp Outreach (We need you!)
We could really use your help in extending the invitation to our summer outreach to kids in your neighborhood.  Please pray about whom you might invite and pick flyers at the usher’s tables or the Welcome Center. Thank YOU!

Chili Dog Feed
Join us on Sunday, May 24 for our ‘Chili Dog Feed Fundraiser’. All proceeds will go towards purchasing supplies needed for our UGM Service Project at Camp Tshimakain.

North Country Collective
Join us at 5:00pm on Sunday, May 31 in the Fellowship Hall for the Word, to pray, worship, fellowship, grow.

Baby Bottle Boomerang
Baby Bottle Boomerang takes place now and ends on Father’s Day, June 21. Families and individuals take a baby bottle home and fill them with change, bills or checks, and return them to the Welcome Center; all monies go to the Open Arms Pregnancy Care Center and Real Choices Clinic in Coeur d’Alene. Bottles are located at the Welcome Center.

Friday, May 22

7:00pm – Friday Bible study

Nursery – 3-year olds – Building A
4-years old – 6th Grade – Bridge Gap Theater (Building B)
Jr. High Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Youth Room (Building C)
High School Youth Group — Sanctuary (for worship) then Rock Church

Saturday, May 23

9:00am – 1:00pm — Quilting & Handcrafting Group — Youth Room (Building C)

Sunday, May 24

9:00am & 11:00am – Worship Service

Nursery & Toddlers – Building A
4 year olds – 6th grade – Building C

Monday, May 25

7:00pm – Monday Night bible study — Sanctuary
No child care provided

Campus Map