Foundations – July 22


Foundations Class

All are welcome to attend a study on the foundations of the Christian faith. The gospel will be the focus; what it is, where we find it in the bible and what it means for everyday Christian living.

We will gather in the fellowship hall/coffee shop on Sunday, July 22nd after 2nd service from 1:00 – 2:00. Light refreshments will be available. No childcare will be provided.

4th of July Picnic & Baptism


4th of July header

Join us as we celebrate the 4th of July with a baptism and picnic!

The church provides hot dogs and hamburgers, please bring something a side or dessert to share if you can!

The baptism starts at 1:00pm.

Sign-up sheets are at the Info Center for those who would like to be baptized,

Volunteers: setup begins at 10:00am.

Sign-up sheets are at the Info Center for those willing to help with set-up and clean-up.

Sunrise Service – April 1


Join us as we gather together to celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection!

Sunrise Service will be at the Greyhound Park and Event Center on Sunday, April 1 at 6:30 am.

There will be NO 9:00am service at North Country Chapel.

Sign-up sheets are at the Info Center for those wishing to help with set-up on Saturday, March 31 from 9:30 am to noon.

Volunteers are also needed on Sunday morning as food and beverage servants, and as ushers and greeters.


New Year’s Eve Services


New Year’s Eve services will be at 9:00am and 11:00am.

There will be no evening service.
There will be no Monday Night bible study on New Year’s Day.

May God bless you in the coming year! Happy New Year, Everyone!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services


Christmas Eve services will be at 9:00am and 11:00am.

There will be childcare for children 3 and younger.

There will be no evening service.
There will be no Monday Night bible study on Christmas Day.

God bless you as you celebrate His birth! Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Airway Heights Inmate’s Kids Christmas


Every year the Christian Motorcyclists Association sponsors a Christmas party for inmate’s children at the Airway Heights Correction facility visiting area.

To participate in giving gifts to inmate’s children please take a tab from the board in the foyer. Choose boy or girl and age range you wish to shop for.

Gifts must be in the church office by December 7th for delivery to Airway Heights Correction Facility.

Please limit gifts to $15 – $20 . The gifts should not have batteries, nothing sharp (knitting needles, pointed scissors, etc.) or hazardous. They must be in original packaging, if packaged, and not gift wrapped. The corrections officers must be able to inspect all gifts.

Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov 19


Sunday, November 19

5:00pm at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds.

The church will provide the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. If you would like to help, please visit the Info Center. Everyone is welcome; invite your friends and family to join us! If you are able to, consider bringing a holiday dish to share.

The dinner is in the Jacklin Events building. Enter through Gate C off of Kathleen Ave.

Harvest Festival


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SEPTEMBER 23 – 12:00PM-4:00PM

Join us for a picnic and fun! Win great prizes at the chili-making contest, pie-baking contest and horseshoe tournament.

For the kids there will be face painting, games, bouncy things and more….

Movie Night: June 14


Free Movie and Popcorn! 

Join us Wednesday, June 14 at 7:00pm at the Rock Church as we watch the North Country Chapel movie, “The Will”.

Everyone is welcome; bring your family and friends.