Happy Thanksgiving

April HockingAnnouncements

Happy Thanksgiving from your family and staff at North Country Chapel, may you be blessed and filled!

Thank you!

April HockingAnnouncements

Thanksgiving Dinner!

Thank you for all those that attended and served in one way or another to make this such a blessing to all!!!

NCC Kids Craft Fair & Dessert Social

April HockingAnnouncements

North Country Chapel Kids Craft Fair

Please join us December 10th from noon to 3 in the sanctuary to take part in the crafts made by and sold by the NCC Kids! Help them earn a little extra money for the holidays and pick something up for someone special while there! Then head on over to the Fellowship Hall for some yummy dessert and fellowship! We’ll have cake, ice cream and a hot cocoa bar. Bring a dessert if you like to share. Sign up sheets for a table will be at the Info Center and to help set up/clean up and serve.

Thanksgiving Dinner

April HockingAnnouncements

Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds!

When: Sunday, November 20th at 5pm

Where: Jacklin Events Center – enter through Gate C

Everyone is welcome, invite your family or friends! If you are able please bring a dish to share. We will provide the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing, and gravy! We will also need your help in all areas to pull this off. Please see the Info Center to sign up to either take and cook the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing or gravy or to just help in the set up, clean up, or serving!

The food items need to be there no later than 4:30pm, servers please be there by 4, set up crew we will head out after 1st service.

Thank You

April HockingAnnouncements

Thank you for all that participated in one way or another with the Harvest Festival and Chili Cook Off it was a grand success!