He is not here: for he is risen…As He Said !!!


In the Gospel of Matthew 28: 5-6 an Angel speaks to the women who have come to the tomb expecting to complete the anointing of the body of Jesus. The Angel tells them: I know you’re looking for Jesus the one that was crucified…he is not here: for he is risen as he said. Jesus had told his disciples many times that he would be crucified, that he would die and he would be buried but on the third day he would rise again.  He promised!

The women (and Jesus’ disciples) didn’t understand and in their grief they had forgotten what he said.  They had forgotten his promise.  In our times of difficulties, or troubles we have a tendency to do the very same thing.  We forget HIS word, we forget his promises.

As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior let’s once again determine by God’s grace and in the power of His Holy Spirit to continue in his word and to stand on the promises that he has made to all of those that belong to him.  The angle said: he is not here: for he is risen; just like he said he would.