August 9 – 11

~ Jesus is enough ~
2 Peter 1:3

We are excited to announce that plans are underway for our summer camping retreat. Just as in the years past, we will be having our camping trip at Farragut State Park, and we need you to come!

The hope and heart behind this event is to provide a simple but rich opportunity for our church body to enjoy Christ-centered fellowship in an atmosphere that encourages people to connect with one another. Along with a fantastic camping experience, we also plan on sharing meals together (which the church will provide), bible study, and worship.

Please pray about joining us, and get your family registered on our church’s website as soon as possible, as space is limited (around 120 people).

Basic Information:

  • Location: Farragut State Park (Scott Group Camp Site)
  • Date: Nights of August 9th and 11th
  • Cost: $30 per adult; $15 per child aged 0-12 (if costs are prohibitive, please reach out to the main office)
  • Cost includes camping/reservation fees, a t-shirt, and 3 meals.

*Be advised: you will also need to purchase a $7 Motorized Vehicle Entrance fee per day at Farragut if you do not have an Idaho Parks Pass (non-resident fee is $14 per day).

To register, please follow the link and fill out all required information.


We plan on closing down new registration May 31st, or when we hit max campers, which ever occurs first. Shortly after, we will reach out to all the campers via email and provide details on camp menu, schedule, maps, etc.

We will pass out welcome packets and t-shirts on July 21st and July 28th after each Sunday service in the Fellowship Hall. At that point, we need all campers to fill out and sign a release and waiver of liability form.

We are so blessed to be able to host this event again, our hope is to bring glory to God in everything that is said and done in preparation and throughout this weekend. Not only will this be an encouragement for us, the body of Christ, but Lord willing, we will also be an example to others of how “a people for His own possession” conduct themselves.

Feel free to reach out to the main church office if you have any questions.