Women’s Bible Study


The North Country Chapel Women’s Bible Study will be teaching through the book of Psalms, Friday mornings @ 9:30am through the month of February.

Child care is available for children 5 and younger.

Christmas Puppet Presentation


The Bridge Gap puppet theatre troupe will be performing the story of Esther and singing some Christmas carols December 23rd, @7pm in the Sanctuary.

Child care provided for children 5 and under.

CCBC Drama Team DVD Available


The New Season 1 and 2 DVDs of the CCBC Drama Team are now Available for purchase online or in our bookstore. Check it out!

_ 12-13-07-drama-dvd-season-1.jpg

New Year’s Eve Service


This year’s New Year’s Eve service will be taking place, oddly enough, on December 31st, in the Sanctuary, at 7pm.

Join us for a look back at the last year and forward to what is coming in the next year.

Thanksgiving Dinner, 11/18


Freedom from WantAt the Kootenai County Fair Grounds, November 18th, 5pm.

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy are provided.

Bring your favorite Thanksgiving salad, veggie, rolls or dessert.

Harvest Festival prep day


If you missed the Harvest Festival work day, you missed a lot:

Painting happy mountains:
harvest prep - happy mountains

Some ark work:
harvest prep - ark work

The more technically inclined had stuff to do to:
harvest prep - all skill levels

Some got to use sharp objects:
harvest prep - sharp objects

A great deal got done, and many thanks to all who helped out!

Harvest Festival work day


Come help get all the stuff ready for the Harvest Festival. October 9th, 10am, in the coffeeshop.

CCBC schedule change


Thursday’s Isaiah class is canceled this week (9/27)!

Classes will continue as scheduled on 10/4.

Harvest Festival


Join us for our Harvest Festival, Wednesday, October 31st from 4pm – 8pm. Games, prizes and lots of candy for the kids.

The Harvest Festival will be at the Kootenai Fair Grounds. For more info call us at 1-800-572-8851

Bible College Starts


Bible College classes start August 27th.

It’s not too late to sign up! Talk to Brandie in the Church office.

HOPE 2007


If you missed Hope 2007, or if you were there and it was all a blur, here’s some of what you missed:

Hope crowdWorship at Hope
preachingstage view

Lots more photos here.

Church Picnic and Baptism


Join us at North Country Chapel, Sunday, August 19th @ 1:30pm for our annual Church Picnic and Baptism.

Hamburgers and hot dogs are provided, bring something that goes with that. Chocolate is usually recommended.

Sign up for the baptism at the info center.